Getting Started... How to Apply
Getting Started...
How to Apply to an Oxford House
Individuals apply directly to the House of their choice.
If there are no vacancies at the house you have selected, you may be referred to another house in the area.
2. Find the nearest house with a vacancy HERE
3. Contact a House to schedule an interview
4. Show up on time for the interview with completed application
5. Acceptance requires an 80% yes vote by House Members
Eligibility for Members
Individuals can apply to live in an Oxford House after meeting at least one of the following criteria:
Sobriety that is free from dangerous withdrawals.
Completion of alcohol or drug treatment.
Completion of a medical detoxification program
Other Requirements
Agree to follow individual house guidelines
Stay current on his/her share of expenses
Demonstrate a desire to grow in recovery
Cost of Living
Equally sharing expenses keeps individual costs low!
Weekly costs range from $135 to $225 per person depending on location.
What Do Your Costs Cover?
Rent in a fully-furnished home.
All utilities for the House including cable, phone, internet services.
House supplies
Coffee, cleaning supplies, laundry soap, etc. -These items vary depending on house budgets from time to time.
Houses are fully self supporting.